Acne, a common and benign dermato- logical pathology, corresponds to a dysfunction of the barrier function of the epi- dermis. It results in hyperkeratinisation, i.e. a thickening of the surface layer of the skin.
Eczema manifests itself in several different forms and at varying stages of development. It is a chronic skin disease; whatever the type of eczema, the symptoms present similarities such as itching in the areas in question with an uncomfortable tight skin sensation. It is mainly located on the flexor muscles such as the elbows or knees but can also affect more targeted areas such as the face and neck. The symptoms of eczema can be mild with dry, scaly skin or more severe with red to raw skin, which may be swollen with scabbing and flakiness. Atopic eczema is the most common form.
Eczema can be caused by internal or external factors.
Internal factors include:
An immune system deficiency. The cells that usually protect the skin may be not be sufficiently numerous, or may be poor quality and therefore unable to perform their barrier function against allergens ef- fectively. The skin barrier becomes weaker and dries out more quickly.
External factors include:
External factors may be associated with the presence of environmental irritants, such as certain soaps, deodorants, washing detergents, fragrances and fabrics. Stress or excessive perspiration can also cause eczema
Atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema) is a very recurrent allergic complaint. It manifests itself through dry skin (xerosis), itching (pruritus) and red patches which appear in batches.
Treatment of this dermatitis consists of avoiding allergenic substances and strengthening the skin barrier function by restoring the hydrolipidic film.
Thermanence products suitable for this pathology are:
In addition, there is abnormal sebum pro- duction (hyperseborrhea), which is often too thick or of poor quality. This sebum ac- cumulated under the surface layer of the skin (the stratum corneum), can cause inflammation accompanied by inflammatory pimples often recognizable as comedones.
In the vast majority of cases, acne is associated with a release of hormones, which explains why it most commonly appears during adolescence. The external environment can also affect acne, such as stress, diet or even pollution.
There are several kinds of acne, and in cases of severe or distressing acne, a dermatologist should be consulted.
It is advisable to use products that are moisturizing, repairing but also non-comedogenic.
Thermanence products suitable for this pathology are:
Thermanence products suitable for this pathology are:
- • Intense Regenerating Cream
- • Silky Moisturizing Cream
- • Intense Regenerating Serum
- • Intense RepairBalm
Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease that causes the skin renewal at an abnormally fast rhythm, in just a few days as opposed to the usual 28 days for normal skin renewal. Thick patches of flaking skin appear. The most commonly affected parts of the body are elbows, knees and scalp.
Psoriasis can be soothed by emollient products or balms.
Thermanence products suitable for this pathology are:
- • Intense Repair Balm
- • Intense Repairing Cream
- • Intense Repairing Emulsion
- • Thermal Water with Natural Thermal Plankton Spray
La peau joue un rôle de barrière protectrice naturelle contre les agressions extérieures. Elle empêche les micro-organismes pathogènes de pénétrer dans le corps, limite la perte insensible en eau et protège contre la déshydratation.
Maintenir la barrière cutanée en bon état permet de préserver une peau saine et hydratée, élastique et ferme.
Des facteurs externes tel que l'hygiène de vie et le climat ou interne comme le stress peuvent ébranler ce processus en affaiblissant les défenses naturelles de la peau la rendant sèche et rugueuse (signes visible des peaux sensibles).
Les produits Thermanence pouvant répondre à cette pathologie sont :